Structure & Function of Molecular Machines

Three-dimensional structures of human mitochondrial transcription complexes.

We are a research lab located at the University Medical Center Göttingen and at the Max-Planck-Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences Göttingen.

Our research is aimed at understanding how genetic information is decoded and expressed in human cells, and how this process is linked to human diseaseWe are particularly interested in how genes are activated in mitochondria, the powerhouses of our cells.

To study this, we use ultra-cold electron microscopes (a.k.a. cryo-EM) and high-energy X-Ray beams (a.k.a. X-Ray crystallography) to visualize molecular “nanomachines” in 3D at near-atomic resolution.

News from the Lab

ERC Starting Grant “MitoRNA” is funded

Our proposal for a Starting Grant from the European Research Council was selected for funding! In the project “MitoRNA”, we will explore...

Ana Vučković starts as a PhD student in the group!

Ana Vučković started her PhD in our group! She is a student from the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) Molecular Biology and previously...

Saruby Sharma joins our team!

Saruby Sharma, a student from the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) Molecular Biology, joined our lab as a PhD student! She has...

Website artwork by Arjun Bhatta